Hi, I’m Miriam. I love to write and share resources about creativity, storytelling, and the artistic journey. I hope this website serves as a way to get to know me as a writer and to share my love of the craft with others. I am working on my first book this year, and eager to connect with other creatives doing the same.
My book is a historical fiction set in New York City and Paris in the 1920s.
I write with wonder.
-We carry within us the wonders we seek without us. -Sir Thomas Browne
I do not fully know what draws me here to this place of words, other than knowing it fills the void with life. A place of stories teeming with the energy of creation. I always long to return.
Even when words fail me, writing finds me again. I read. I listen. I think. I fall in love with writing.
I work diligently day in and out, listening to the greats before me, their admissions of imperfection drawing me further into the labyrinth. I am lost. I am found.
It’s a circle but imperfect. It spirals, sometimes with order, other times with reckless abandon. Either way, I’m in. It’s wonder is too great to leave. All you have to do is let the words find you . . . study their shape, fall into their magic. I am spellbound. I’m hooked. I am a writer.
Penny University: For Creatives
Penny University is a community. It explores the creative process and writing journey.
In 17th Century Britian, coffeehouses known as “penny universities” became centers of thought. Any person regardless of social standing could buy a coffee for a penny to engage in intellectual discourse.
Penny University focuses on creativity. I share my personal journey - I am a writer documenting the process of writing my first book.
I provide food for thought, resources, books, creative work & topics for artistic discourse.
This publication offers the Penny newsletter.
Community to meet virtually the Final Friday of each month.
Coffee Señorita: For Coffee Lovers
This publication began during COVID as a way to support coffee farmers, roasters, and coffee shops. Here I take a world tour of coffee in recognition of the artisanal efforts of farmers and highlight their products. I explore the history, varieties, types of processing, and styles of coffee around the world.
I hope to turn this into a coffee table book exploring the world of coffee.
SundayDrives: For Travelers & History Buffs
This publication began with our moves around the country, and explores primarily free, family travel around the United States.
I research NPS sites, places on the National Registrar of Historic Places, UNESCO World Heritage sites, museums, and sites of significance in our nation’s history.
I lived in (AR, OH, TX, HI, NY, NJ, WA, CO, KY) and our family enjoys nature-based & historical travel around the USA.
Other Writing I do. . .
JoyMailed: For Joyful Living Strategies & Inspiration
This publication began as a way to seek joy in life. It explores research on topics such as finding happiness, mindfulness, stillness, gratitude. I explore stillness, healthy food, excercise, psychology, and resources to live a more joyful, harmonious life. I write an interior “bucket list” of life milestones as inspiration for your own life goals.