Case Study: Graduate Projects in Marketing Research, Data Storytelling & Analytics

Developed attitude and usage study for startup sunscreen product. A&U Study for my graduate consulting project:

  • quantitative survey

  • qualitative (In-depth interviews with laddering technique), secondary research

  • Market analysis

  • Multivariate analysis to align marketing efforts.


Provided insights to the founder on marketing and social strategies for brand launch and pitch deck strategies for investors.

Other Market Research Graduate Program Projects

*Social listening reports (Infegy & Sprinklr) for competitive insights, crisis management, and trends.

*Conjoint analysis considering TURF, MaxDiff, and multidimensional/multi-attribute products & services in Sawtooth.

*Advanced Visualizations in PPT tailored to C-Suite, Internal and External Clients.

*Independent Study on electronic Word of mouth relating to how people make purchase decisions online. An analysis of the influence of Amazon reviews and customer's perception of risk in e-commerce.

Data Visualizations in Powerpoint and Slidedecks for impact and storytelling.




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